“Where Children Sleep” – Photographic Series by James Mollison



Indira, 7, Kathmandu, Nepal

These are some photos from a pretty fascinating series by photographer James Mollison called “Where Children Sleep” which explores inequality as seen through the bedrooms of different children across the globe. In his series and upcoming book, ‘Where Children Sleep’, he shows portraits of kids followed by an image of their bedrooms, giving us a glimpse at the living conditions of children in different settings.

Mollison says:

“When Fabrica asked me to come up with an idea for engaging with children’s rights, I found myself thinking about my bedroom: how significant it was during my childhood, and how it reflected what I had and who I was. It occurred to me that a way to address some of the complex situations and social issues affecting children would be to look at the bedrooms of children in all kinds of different circumstances.”

“From the start, I didn’t want it just to be about ‘needy children’ in the developing world, but rather something more inclusive, about children from all types of situations. It seemed to make sense to photograph the children themselves, too, but separately from their bedrooms, using a neutral background.”

“My thinking was that the bedroom pictures would be inscribed with the children’s material and cultural circumstances ‘ the details that inevitably mark people apart from each other ‘ while the children themselves would appear in the set of portraits as individuals, as equals ‘ just as children.”

Makes you kind of rethink the obsessing over what kind of decor to put in Junior’s room…if even for just a minute!

See the whole series on his website.



Ahkohxet, 8, Amazonia, Brazil




Bilal, 6, Wadi Abu Hindi, The West Bank


Hang, 5, Beijing, China


Risa, 15, Kyoto, Japan


Jazzy, 4, Kentucky, USA


Tristan, 7, New York, USA





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