“The Obliteration Room” by Yayoi Kusuma (& Kids)


You know we are complete goners for installations made by kids, (here’s another one), so this is right up our alley! This is the breathtaking result when thousands of kids get to stick thousands of stickers all over an empty bright white room: Obliteration! What a great idea this amazing installation is, for the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art, by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. She constructed a large domestic environment, painting everything white -serving as a giant white canvas. Over the course of two weeks, the museum’s kid visitors were given thousands of colored dot stickers and were let loose, turning the house into an explosion of color. I would have loved my kids to participate in this – it looks like the ultimate fun experience! The installation, entitled,  The Obliteration Room, is part of Kusama’s Look Now, See Forever exhibition that runs through March 12.









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4 responses to ““The Obliteration Room” by Yayoi Kusuma (& Kids)”

  1. Kantosoll

    brilliant idea ! Even adults would have so much fun !

  2. Yeah, I think they also let adults join in because some of the dots are pretty high for little ones!

  3. Mich

    It’s a wonderful idea.

  4. Yeah, I wish I had thought of it…like all great ideas.

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