Stuart McLachlan Inspired Paper Hat


Well, here it is. The paper hat inspired by the Stuart McLachlan hats in the post below! Oona helped me draw the pattern but of course, I did all the cutting.

If you want to make one, here is how: Measure the circumference of the wearer’s head just to make sure your paper is wide enough. We got a sheet of paper from the stationery shop – they sell them in various colors. Then, make a mark in the center to make sure your main design is centered. Using a pencil, draw your design, but very lightly. Erasing it afterwards is difficult with all the fragile cuts. Then make sure the kids are nowhere near your workspace and get to work, using an X-acto knife (this is the only kind of cutter that will make such tiny cuts but use with extreme care). I used Stuart MchLachlan’s website for inspiration. This was inspired by a tree hat he did. And to attach the branches to the hat, I used Glue Dots. And for the little butterflies, I cheated and used a large punch like this and small one like this. I used Scotch Tape to attach the two ends of the hat around the head – nothing fancy. Let me know if you try making one of these. And if you send me a photo of it, I will post in the Bellissima Kids Facebook page and tweet it!



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One response to “Stuart McLachlan Inspired Paper Hat”

  1. Annie Baliram

    Very adorable little girl in a wonderful paper hat!!!

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