Hirst’s most famous piece: The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
Mother and Child Divided Photo credit: Tate Modern website
Whether you are a fan of his work or it leaves you cold, there is no denying Damien Hirst’s current profile and influence in the contemporary art world; and they make taking a long, hard look at his Tate Modern retrospective almost irresistible. The exhibition is aptly billed as a “substantial survey” of his work; key pieces have been carefully selected and beautifully styled. There are his dead animals / innards; splashes of colour; his grids (of cigarettes, dots, diamonds, instruments, fish); his pharmacy and his butterflies. There are the weighty glass and metal cases that glamorously contain and juxtapose these objects. As a survey, it succeeds. Exhibit runs from April 4th to September 9th, 2012.
Some of his Spin Paintings Photo Credit:Photo By Oli Scarff/Getty Images
Detail from Sympathy in White Major Photo credit: Prudence Cuming Associates
For the Love of God: platinum and diamond encrusted skull