Category: Angle on Artists

  • Angle on Artist – Elisabeth Anisimow, Child Prodigy Artist

    Meet Elisabeth Anisimow, Child Prodigy Artist. It’s about time I had the next installment of our Angle on Artists Series. and here she is. Elisabeth is an 9 year old child prodigy artist from Los Angeles,CA of Russian descent. She started painting at the age of 2. Art is her passion and she paints everything she sees and if you watch her…

  • Angle on Artist – Mr Finch, Textile Artist

    Here is my latest visual obsession and our Angle on Artist in our series – Mr. Finch, a completely original textile artist who has imagined a fantastic reality, populated with birds, insects, flora and fauna. There is an inebriating quality to his work that draws you into this eccentricity that reminds me of the world of H.G.…

  • Angle on Artist – Carlie Trosclair

        Now for some art! Here is the next in our series of Angle on Artists and we are featuring the Soft Sculptures of Carlie Trosclair who is an installation artist based in St. Louis, Missouri. Trosclair earned an MFA from the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St.…

  • Angle on Artist – Jennifer Collier

      Here’s our next installment of Angle on Artists. And today we focus on British artist, Jennifer Collier. It’s no secret that I’m completely crazy about paper and cardboard art. And also about up cycling. And there is something irresistible about these objects which are replicas, yet in a completely non-functioning way. And Jennifer Collier…

  • Angle on Artist – Jennie Harbour, Illustrator

      This next artist in our Angle on Artists series is Jennie Harbour. Every now and then,  I come across an illustrator who blows my socks right off, and Art Deco era illustrator, Jennie Harbour is one of these. The beauty and emotion and finesse of these illustrations moves me so much. I get lost…

  • Angle on Artist – Karen Stahlecker, Paper Sculptor

     The Last Stand, handmade paper Here is our next wonderful artist in our Angle on Artists series. Karen Stahlecker is an environmental artist who lives and works in Poulsbo, Washington. She was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1954 and received an M.F.A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1982. Over the…

  • Angle on Artist – Willard Wigan

      Here is the next in our series, Angle on Artists. I only found out about this amazing micro-sculptor Willard Wigan recently because one of the girls had to research him for an art museum trip! And his art just blows me away. And this person is an inspiration to us all. As a schoolboy…

  • Angle on Artist – Nicola Moss

      And here is our next installment of our series: Angle on Artists. And we are featuring Australian Artist, Nicola Moss. Nicola bases her work on observations of ecological relationships within the natural environment. She develops her research through numerous site visits. Moss’ interest lies in how people connect, shape and interact with the natural…

  • Angle on Artist: Melanie Rodriguez’ Magical Photography

    Here’s the next in our Angle on Artists series! This time a wonderful photographer. Melanie Rodriguez‘ gorgeous children photography is like entering a world of magic.  The ethereal and forlorn atmosphere captures the innocent and whimsical essence of childhood. The composition, lighting, and subject is just simply enthralling; we could picture fairies sprouting out of the…

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