Hi Everyone. We have exciting news! Bellissima Kids will also be broadcasting live on Periscope from now on. We already did a couple of broadcasts and will be downloading them so we can share them here from time to time!
If you aren’t aware, Periscope is a new social media platform (that you can download the app for on iPhone and Androids), that streams LIVE broadcasts which stay up for exactly 24 hours and then poof! But you can then record and watch later (if you want) and we will be adding some really good ones to our Youtube Channel (which is right here). So, the beauty of this is that you can connect with us in real time and see what we are doing.
We did a little broadcast today about how to make pom pom rugs. Here is the link which you might be able to view on your computer if you have downloaded Periscope onto that. It’s still on Periscope and our handle is @bellissima_kids. So, go download the app to your phone and check it out. We also did a broadcast today where we took a walk through Greenwich Village, as we will be showing the sites of New York off with this new way of broadcasting.
And as many of you know, in my other life, I’m a Business Coach and Social Media Strategist and I consult and coach on how to use Periscope to build your brand among other things. So, if you have a brand and need help, let me know. Now is the time to get on Periscope as it’s so new!
Well, have a beautiful weekend and we look forward to sharing beautiful thing with you on Bellissima Kids!