Here is a guest post from Gina of the beautiful Swedish blog, Willowday.
Starting with the Stockholm archipelago and it’s 20,000 islands, this area is the perfect introduction to Sweden with typical countryside and sea life coexisting harmoniously. The islands are both lush and green and then, granite rock. You can find fully functioning red farms on some islands, alongside summer houses, selling their local seasonal produce at the dock or if you prefer, an island to yourself to moor up to or the opposite: a restaurant and cafes with a beat. This all begins to unfold just 10 minutes outside of Stockholm with easy ferry rides to take you to the outer limits. If you visit Stockholm, a visit to the archipelago is a must.
Drive 5 hours south west to the Atlantic and you are in Bohuslän, which, in contrast to the green Stockholm archipelago is the golden, rocky coast known as Sweden’s west coast. These islands are set on the Atlantic with restaurants teaming with seafood and sail boats speckling the blue water against the more barren backdrop of beautiful naked rock hills. Precious meadows are alive with wildflowers that magically break the strong profiles of the hills and the combination is breathtaking and compelling.