Our Next Tutu Workshop at the Amazing City Treehouse!


Our first Tutu Making Workshop was such a success, we are doing another one on April 28th! (See flyer below for details. And if you can’t make this one, you can order a Tutu Kit directly from me: jeanne@bellissimakids.indigo-grove.com) And I am thrilled to team up with the great people at a place we have loved since it opened when Oona was only one year old: City Treehouse in Chelsea! The main attraction is their unique water play area – Oona has just adored playing in this space as she, like all kids, just loves water…and I have found it the best place to be on a hot summer day. Their super fun treehouse with slide and fiber optic cave have also kept her busy many an hour. Apart from that, they offer a smorgasbord of fantastic art, dance, music and language classes and they also host birthday parties. In fact, Oona had her very first painting class here. Sweet memories…





3 responses to “Our Next Tutu Workshop at the Amazing City Treehouse!”

  1. Apanona

    Wow, what a great idea! Kids seem to have lot of fun!

  2. Jeanne

    They do have a lot of fun, and better than having water all over my bathroom floor!

  3. Apanona

    Ha ha ha! Y-E-S!

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